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Tag Archives: president of pakistan

the Supreme Court of Pakistan has suspended that the appointment of the judges of the Supreme court by the President that was done recently is ultra vires to the constitution.

the Court said that it was said in the constitution article 177 that the president would appoint with the due consultation of the Chief Justice of Paksitan (CJP)

we went to the text of the constitution and found the following in the Article 177:

(1) The Chief Justice of Pakistan shall be appointed by the President, and each of the other Judges shall be appointed by the President after consultation with the Chief Justice.

if we look at the words in their proper context, it is seen that the word “consultation” and not “advice” is used. when the president is “advised” by the Prime Minister (PM), he is bound to dissolve the assemblies. but in the case of “consultation” no such binding is necessary. the President, according to the article, makes the appointments. and that is his power to do so.

that is our inference from this article. people might want to make their own conclusions.