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Tag Archives: pakistan

the Supreme Court of Pakistan has suspended that the appointment of the judges of the Supreme court by the President that was done recently is ultra vires to the constitution.

the Court said that it was said in the constitution article 177 that the president would appoint with the due consultation of the Chief Justice of Paksitan (CJP)

we went to the text of the constitution and found the following in the Article 177:

(1) The Chief Justice of Pakistan shall be appointed by the President, and each of the other Judges shall be appointed by the President after consultation with the Chief Justice.

if we look at the words in their proper context, it is seen that the word “consultation” and not “advice” is used. when the president is “advised” by the Prime Minister (PM), he is bound to dissolve the assemblies. but in the case of “consultation” no such binding is necessary. the President, according to the article, makes the appointments. and that is his power to do so.

that is our inference from this article. people might want to make their own conclusions.

The operation is Swat has made many of the civilians flee their homes. they have been left to take refuge in far off areas. some of them are being assisted by the world organisations, some by NGOs. but they are not doing it for any good. they are simply doing it becuause they are making money in the process.

fortunately not all people are here to make money. one of the examples of that is the spirit shown by the people of a village called SalehKhana. Saleh Khana is located in the district of Nowshera.

when people started coming in from Swat to the JaloZai camp, the people of SalehKhana started a fund and sheltered some 22 families. they have a capacity of upto 30 families.

the displaced people are being provided every thing free of cost, be it medicines, or food or clothing. an old market with shops have been allocated as the shelter. each family has been housed in one of the shops.

not only that, separate bathrooms for women have already been built. while bathrooms for men are being built. quite an extraordnary work there.

Pakistan has finally won the second edition of the T20 international cricket tournament. Pakistan has won a major tournament after such along time. and the victory can not be any sweeter.

basically no one lost the game. both the sides played well but in the end the better one took the Cup home. and the better one just turned out to be Pakistan.

so Congrats to the Pakistani people and to the Pakistani team.

and as Borat would add at this moment : “GREAT SUCCESS”

oh and lets not forget the man who made it all possible: SHAHID AFRIDI

the defeat of the Sri Lankan LTTE tells us one thing; if you are persistent enough, you can defeat anything. the Sri Lankans were able to hold off the secessionists. I think Pakistan has lessons to learn from here. after all Pakistan faces similar threats in the form of Talibans etc.

no one would have expected to him to speak so soon. but Bilawal spoke. amongst other things he said that the country could disintegrate if fair and free elections are not held. that is an assertion, I assume, that should be given a little thought. is it actually rigging in the elections that leads to a country’s elections? our history says that is not the case. the country disintegrated the only time fair and free elections were held. what was the reason then? obviously not the elections itself. but rather whatever happened before it and whatever happened afterwards. that is a long story but i assume any independent person who would like to take an unbiased look at the history of this country would know what the reasons were.

Given that Mr. Jr Zardari has just entered Oxford i assume he has not taken any courses in history. or he would not have made such a comment.

he also talked of giving hope the young generation of Pakistan. unfortunately, hope is the only thing that Pakistanis,younger and older, have gotten throughout the six decades of the country’s existence from their leaders. yet no one has acted to turn those dreams into reality. Mr. Zardari Jr. we dont need hopes. we need real actions that could turn this country into a land of opportunity.