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In The Tipping Point Malcom Gladwell talks about the sudden surge in the suicide rates on the Island of Micronesia. earlier there used to be no suicides. but at some point, the suicide rates picked up. no one could understand the reason why it happened? the one possible explanation that was given in the book is this:

the suicide attempts appear in the spirit of initiative on experimental play. thus as suicide grows more frequent,in these communities the idea itself acquires a certain familiarity if not fascination to young men, and the lethality of the act seems to be trivilized.

This, in his words, led to the contagious epidemic of self destruction that led to the life becoming meaningless.

Perhaps this could be one reason that has been neglected when we look at the surging rate of the suicide bombing. we should remember that the suicide rate in Micronesia mainly soared in the teenagers. and when we look at the majority of the suicide bombers, they too are teenagers. so perhaps there could be reason that the recent surge in the suicide bombing is because the rate reached its tipping point. and life has become meaningless for these suicide bombers.

or there could be other reasons. but this could be one of them.