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Category Archives: wit’s end

Potemkin village or relief camp

ever heard of Potemkin villages? they were a myth.

but the PPP government set up something that could be called a potemkin village, sort of. so its not a myth.

how about a new idiom: Gilani’s relief camp

for those of you too lazy to click on that link, read the full story below:

UMERKOT: Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani visited a fake relief camp set up in Kunri on Monday only for the visit.

The prime minister, who was accompanied by federal ministers Syed Naveed Qamar and Syed Khursheed Shah and Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah, arrived by helicopter at the Benazir Government Girls College in Kunri where a `temporary relief camp` had been set up by the administration on Sunday night.

According to sources, the camp housed peasants belonging to areas of some PPP legislators. A number of rain-hit people, including women, who have been living on the road outside the school for the past few days, were barred from entering the premises and were allowed only when some journalists intervened.

The prime minister and his team waved from a distance to people in the camp and the rain-affected people. He shook hands with PPP MPA Nawab Taimoor Talpur and returned to the helicopter.

The people who were expecting to get some relief goods or an announcement in this regard from the prime minister received nothing except the dust raised by the helicopter while landing and taking off.

After the prime minister left the area, the affected people tried to pull out tents but they were attacked by PPP workers with sticks.

the Pope recently slipped and broke his wrist. given that to most of the people in the world he is the person who i God’s right hand man on Earth, it would look illogical that he should have gone through such an incident. after all, isn’t God supposed to protect him in all those circumstances.

or maybe if we become a little more dogmatic , we can say that he was punished for something with which God was not really happy. if so, we would like to know what were those things? has he been punished for his Nazi past or is it because of something else. if so, can we just say it was a slap on the wrist from God’s side?

in any case we will pray for him: may God have mercy on his wrist

the Iraqi press has made atleast one notable contribution to the world politics; throwing shoes at the leaders. President Bush was the first one, and the tradition has continued. someone tried to throw a shoe at Manmohan Singh. whether the shoe is black or brown, it seems like Shoe throwing is the new black.

Bill OReilly went on a recenct attack against the rapper Eminem saying

“Kids see it, not adults,.no one over 25 listens to him.”

well if that is the case, how come he knows about the song.  his comment is like Yogi Berra’s famous comment, “its so crowded there, no one goes there anymore.”

dumbness personified

dumbness personified

Sarah Palin has lashed out at the media. she said that Caroline Kennedy is being given fair treatment in her bid for the Senate as compared to her own for the White House.  She does not understand the reasons, but i think we do.

NYs next senator

NY's next senator

Prior to the 2008 Presidential Campaign, many people did not know about who was the governor of the State of Alaska. and then she suddenly jumped to the big stage. and ever since then she was the talk of the town. the reason was simple. she was only one of the fifty governors. nobody was bothered that 2% of the American governors were dumb. but if she had made it to the VP office, people would really have been bothered if 100% of their VP was occupied by dumbness.

the same logic could be applied to Ms. Kennedy. even if she makes it to the senate, she will just comprise 1% of the total senate. that wont get much attention even if she is as dumb as Ms. Palin.

Merry Christmas guys, or Marry Christmas. whatever you feel like.

but let me warn you of something. if you marry Christmas, all your kids will be Santa-pedes.

ok. you want another one. here is one.

Q: what would a Taco-bell sponsored Santa yell?

A: Tac-Ho, Ho,Ho

OK. go back to whatever important you were doing before you came here.

in the shoe throw incident in Baghdad, the Iraqi journalist did something that the world leaders had been wanting for days: rising up the demand.

the demand for the kind of shoes he threw at President Bush has already risen to high proportions. the company that claims to make them had never sold more than 15,000 of that brand in any year. now they have received a staggering 370,000 shoe orders.

so i guess people should start throwing shoes at the hated leaders. be warned though, the law of diminishing marginal returns applies here too. so as the shoe throws rise, there will be less and less marginal demand increases.

its worth a try, though.

walking in their shoes

walking in their shoes

so we have seen it on TV and heard it on the radio and seen it written in the press, when the President of the United States had to go through the most embarrassing situation. an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at President Bush. the journalist has been charged with insulting the Iraqi state.

I  think that is not fair.  Iraq has gone through so much. maybe the journalist wanted the President Bush to experience what the ordinary Iraqis have been experiencing.   He lent him his shoes so the President could walk in his shoes to see what a mess the American bombing has made of Iraq.

although what they mean by “intelligence” could be left to several interpretations, women generally agree they would like an intelligent mate (apparently men like dumber women, since beauty far outsurpasses intelligence in men’s choice of a mate). you often hear “brain is the best sex organ”.  and maybe the saying “men think with their d***s” also could be attributed to the same line of thinking. but is there really a link between all this?

M&M(Millar and Monroe) both agreed with what i said just now

M&M(Millar and Monroe) both agreed with what is italicised above

apparently so, as this article indicates. and there are evolutionary reasons. men with intelligence survive and can help their mates survive. some women like wealthy men because they can provide better security. and greater survival chances

The OLD and the Beautiful

The OLD and the Beautiful: greater survival chances for both?

so guys, the good news: even if your hair is thinning out, you still have a chance of landing a very good mate if the brains are still working. in other words, the things below, not above, the skull counts.

the governor is a democrat and the seat of the senator he was trying to fill in was being vacated by a democrat named Obama.

he thought he would not be caught because the people did not know much about who this senator was.

I am just kidding. that was not what the governor had in  mind.

in any case the Feds were too quick to smell a rat. and in the end they did what you always see them doing; kill the bad guy.

ofcourse i made that up again. they just arrested the guy. personally i think it was better we have one more idiot behind the bars.

why am i calling him an idiot? because if he had been as good as cheney he wuold have waited for the Obama Adminstration to settle and then should have gone to him and talked to him about making money. and the talk should have gone like this.

gov: WASSUP’?

Obama: watching the game, having a bud

Gov: True, True

after that inital conversation, he should have talked to him about making more money. and Mr. President, being drunk and all, would have given him contracts worth millions of dollars. that would have given him wealth beyond his dreams.

for all of those, he should have taken contract101, and rebuilding201 at the Cheney School of thought.

and in this way he would have done some work in Iraq, and earned millions of dollars. all legal of course. that would have meant no jail time for the man.

moral of the story: if you are the governor or other office holder in the United States, alway have good relations with the administration. also always make money offshore. offshore is the only place where the Feds have no jurisdiction.