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No one is intersted in seeing your butt anymore. you are over 50 years of age. act as per your age.

I dont know how someone would just throw acid on passerby women and then escape. what is happening to this nation as a whole?

things like these just leave me speechless. i mean there are psychos in this world, but God, people doing these acts do not qualify as humans.

the whole episode is sickening.

Here is some news about the democracy in Afghanistan. it is working.

well, that must be good news, No?

well not exactly. it is working the same like in many third world countries. there are fraud elections and the ballot boxes are stuffed for the ruling person.

consider the recent election. Hamid Karzai’s supporters had already stuffed the ballot boxes before the elections even started. at some places there were more votes than registered voters. for example:

In Helmand, for instance, Western officials believe that in the district of Garmser about 5,000 people voted. But the ballot boxes arriving in the provincial capital, Lashkar Gah, contain about 20,000. In Musa Qala the discrepancy was between 9,000 and 18,000. Mr Hadee, the IEC official, now says that turnout in Helmand was 25%. Some Western officials reckon 20% of votes nationally may be fraudulent.

but that is not all. the country is  in bad shape. August tied for the deadliest month.

Whatever happened to the Dream of a democratic Afghanistan.

this post is not about anything that i have previously said about. i just wanted honest replies. what if you are surrounded by hypocrites from all sides. what would be your strategy in dealing with them?

Merry Christmas guys, or Marry Christmas. whatever you feel like.

but let me warn you of something. if you marry Christmas, all your kids will be Santa-pedes.

ok. you want another one. here is one.

Q: what would a Taco-bell sponsored Santa yell?

A: Tac-Ho, Ho,Ho

OK. go back to whatever important you were doing before you came here.

lawsuits are nothing uncommon in the united states, where you can sue anyone for anything. I mean there have been cases where God has been sued by some brave men. and we believe in the land of the free and of the lawsuits, there is yet one more about to happen.

well lets see. there is a giant phone company called Nokia. and then there is this baseball team called the  Cleveland Indians. Nokia will be introducing a new phone called the Nokia Wahoo.  and the Cleveland Indians have a mascot named Chief Wahoo.

Hail to the Chief

Hail to the Chief

does it even look like chief wahoo??

does it even look like chief wahoo??

of course, i am speculating. but imagine if it were to happen.

I dont think i have understood it wrong, but wasnt the goal of the war on terror was to eliminate or stop terror. and given that the other options have already been applied,and failed, why is the US opposing the peace initiatives taken by the current pakistani government. I fail to understand that. first they say that they want to end terror. fine, if a person renounces terror and does not commit any more of it then i think it is best to leave him rather than to kill him or something. when the government here tried to a peace deal a while ago, a missile launch from the arabian sea ensured that peace would not prevail. pakistan was not informed about it and it was the USA that sent the missile.
and as the government here is on the verge of making peace again, the US is already opposing it.

At a special hearing on Fata at the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday, Republican and Democratic lawmakers put their differences aside in urging the administration to use its influence and persuade Pakistan to call off the talks.

The US media and think tanks are already opposing the talks and questioning Washington’s wisdom in providing military and economic assistance to a government which is making peace overtures to America’s enemies.

Britain has backed the negotiations process though.

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband told a US audience on Wednesday that his government supports talks between Pakistan’s new rulers and tribal leaders aimed at curbing insurgency along the Afghan border.

In a speech to a Washington think-tank, Mr Miliband said there was “no military solution” to the spread of militancy in Afghanistan and Pakistan

well, atleast the British understand that. why cant the thick heads in the US dont undertstand that? and doesnt it once again exposes the hypocrisy of the american government?

he was back once but was resent. now he has been let in back to the country. ladies and gentlemen, the Sharif is back.

this raises several questions though. first, if he was to be allowed back why wasnt he allowed earlier this year? second, why is he being allowed now? third, what happened to the “deal” that he was not supposed to come back for ten years, given that ten years period has not expired yet?

it seems like the president wants to give legitimacy to the “free and fair” elections he will be conduction. so he needed all those who could do so. first comes BB,and now the Sharifs. second, he wants new allies. his old allies are not really happy because they discarded the ex-PM, Shaukat Aziz, the moment they could. rumor has it he was not awarded a party ticket. Mr. Aziz mantains he just wants to relax. i doubt that was the reason. the first one seems a really good one. who does not want to be the PM of PAkistan again and again. after all, Sharif and BB returned for the same purpose didnt they?

Khawaja Masoud is an intellectual. he is also known as the teacher of the Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz. a sad news appeared in teh newspaper the other day that he was humiliated by Sher Afgan Niazi and one brig(retd) Tariq Mahmood.

it is pertinent to note that the brigadier had invited him for the his book launch. just in case you are wondering how a brigadier cuold have written a book, it would be pertinent to mention that the book was not some high class stuff; it was a translation. what else could a retired Army man, with a 12th grade education, do?

still he wanted some applauds from the crowd and  the speakers. Khawaja Masood did not do that. he simply commented on the ongoing situation in Pakistan, something that any common Pakistani would accept as the truth.

But Sher Afgan and Brig. Tariq are no ordinary Pakistani. they showed the eminent professor the door as soon as he presented his views.  freedom of speech does not go well with some people. and using that while speaking bitter truths is like adding fuel to the flame.

the brigadier told the intellectual that he (Mr.Masood) was an idiot. after reading all about the incident i could conclude who was the real idiot.

that the law and order situation has reached a new low can be gauged from the fact that a provincial minister,Ms. Zille Huma, was killed in broad daylight.another minister was attacked inBaluchistan but did not get hurt.

the only words that the officials could utter about the murderer were these:He is basically a fanatic. and that is the end of the story. Dont they have any other explanation for it? There must be a better explanation than that.

given the kind of violence that has gripped this country, it seems that the whole country has gone fanatic. have we ever thought what would cause a whole nation to become fanatic?

Perhaps we are not the thinking kind but more of a “grab and eat” kind. perhaps people have gotten tired of everything that is going on politically in this country. perhaps they want change. and change by peaceful political means has never been a characteristic of this country.

There are no signs of a forseeable change in near future. So we can expect some more fanatics.