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Category Archives: satire

so the Iraqi government has put on new restrictions on the movement of the American troops. and we hope that the Americans would presumably do what the but wait a second. Who are the masters here and who are the servants? who has brought this government into power in the first place? wasnt it because of these American troops?

lets start a conspiracy theory. maybe the Americans have told them to issue this directive so that the world can see how “sovereign” the new Iraq is. plus it will help them to leave the country with grace.” ok the government of Iraq does not want it so we are leaving.”

if that is not the case,  Americans must surely be looking for a leash right now.

do they really care what the Iraqi government says?

do they really care what the Iraqi government says?

the Pope recently slipped and broke his wrist. given that to most of the people in the world he is the person who i God’s right hand man on Earth, it would look illogical that he should have gone through such an incident. after all, isn’t God supposed to protect him in all those circumstances.

or maybe if we become a little more dogmatic , we can say that he was punished for something with which God was not really happy. if so, we would like to know what were those things? has he been punished for his Nazi past or is it because of something else. if so, can we just say it was a slap on the wrist from God’s side?

in any case we will pray for him: may God have mercy on his wrist

Bill OReilly went on a recenct attack against the rapper Eminem saying

“Kids see it, not adults,.no one over 25 listens to him.”

well if that is the case, how come he knows about the song.  his comment is like Yogi Berra’s famous comment, “its so crowded there, no one goes there anymore.”

dumbness personified

dumbness personified

Sarah Palin has lashed out at the media. she said that Caroline Kennedy is being given fair treatment in her bid for the Senate as compared to her own for the White House.  She does not understand the reasons, but i think we do.

NYs next senator

NY's next senator

Prior to the 2008 Presidential Campaign, many people did not know about who was the governor of the State of Alaska. and then she suddenly jumped to the big stage. and ever since then she was the talk of the town. the reason was simple. she was only one of the fifty governors. nobody was bothered that 2% of the American governors were dumb. but if she had made it to the VP office, people would really have been bothered if 100% of their VP was occupied by dumbness.

the same logic could be applied to Ms. Kennedy. even if she makes it to the senate, she will just comprise 1% of the total senate. that wont get much attention even if she is as dumb as Ms. Palin.

walking in their shoes

walking in their shoes

so we have seen it on TV and heard it on the radio and seen it written in the press, when the President of the United States had to go through the most embarrassing situation. an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at President Bush. the journalist has been charged with insulting the Iraqi state.

I  think that is not fair.  Iraq has gone through so much. maybe the journalist wanted the President Bush to experience what the ordinary Iraqis have been experiencing.   He lent him his shoes so the President could walk in his shoes to see what a mess the American bombing has made of Iraq.

the governor is a democrat and the seat of the senator he was trying to fill in was being vacated by a democrat named Obama.

he thought he would not be caught because the people did not know much about who this senator was.

I am just kidding. that was not what the governor had in  mind.

in any case the Feds were too quick to smell a rat. and in the end they did what you always see them doing; kill the bad guy.

ofcourse i made that up again. they just arrested the guy. personally i think it was better we have one more idiot behind the bars.

why am i calling him an idiot? because if he had been as good as cheney he wuold have waited for the Obama Adminstration to settle and then should have gone to him and talked to him about making money. and the talk should have gone like this.

gov: WASSUP’?

Obama: watching the game, having a bud

Gov: True, True

after that inital conversation, he should have talked to him about making more money. and Mr. President, being drunk and all, would have given him contracts worth millions of dollars. that would have given him wealth beyond his dreams.

for all of those, he should have taken contract101, and rebuilding201 at the Cheney School of thought.

and in this way he would have done some work in Iraq, and earned millions of dollars. all legal of course. that would have meant no jail time for the man.

moral of the story: if you are the governor or other office holder in the United States, alway have good relations with the administration. also always make money offshore. offshore is the only place where the Feds have no jurisdiction.

the Great Leader Mandela

I did not know Nelson Mandela was a terrorist until the US removed him from the Terror watch list.

I did not know that Mandela ever was treated as a terrorist by the United States, until i read about it today. I mean WTF? if a person tries to get the rights for his people, and for that he is jailed for twenty seven years, he is a terrorist? does the definition of a terrorist changes with time? or is it that the stronger party always has to decide whether one is a terrorist or not?

lots of hard questions and no simple answers.
here is one more: by listing the ANC as a terrorist organization can we say that the USA was also complicit in the South African Apartheid?

the organization of islamic countries(OIC) has adopted a reform charter this year. and nothing will come out of it. nothing ever comes out of the declarations of this organization.

this might look pessimistic. but what else can you say? the OIC is a talk shop. it holds meetings in different places and makes boisterous declarations that are then left to collect dust in the shelves until a new declaration comes out. nothing concrete comes out of this organization.

in the present one the leaders are talking about an islamic rennaissance as if we have not been talking about it already fro the last so many years. same old cliche’d statements made this year. “we need to promote democracy“.”islam is not a violent religion”. blah blah blah

so here is a little reaction to whatever comes next time:

OIC has come out with its Timbuktu declaration“.


“yeah, really.”


“did you just say OIC?”

“no. I said Oh I see.”

“you know you might see it all but the truth is that the majority of the leaders of these countries are either blind or short-sighted. they can not see much.”

the signs of a nation’s downfall are clear. one of them is that they VVIPs do not care what goes on. justice in every department is lacking. and public officials, past and present, use their powers to create ease for themselves at the expense of other ordinary mortal.

that problem is rather acute in pakistan. when the VVIPs move, whole cities come to a stop. and it does not matter if there are people in ambulances in critical conditions waiting to be taken to hospitals.

not only do the present caretakers ( sneeringly called undertakers by some) get the VVIP treatment but the former CM also gets the same treatment. he has been out of office, haven’t he?

farq parrta hai purana CM honay say ” 

a guy selling lanterns in peshawar

Pakistan has always experienced some very acute shortages of electricity. that has always been the case but in the recent one year or so it reached unprecedented levels. in fact it had made the people of pakistan to start using techniques of lighting that were part of the bygone era. Lanterns were supposed to have died with the advent of electricity. but as the power outages, euphemistically called loadsheddings, became severe, Lanterns made their way back into the lives of people.

thanks to the present interim government that it was finally able to see what the previous governments had not been able to see, or did not want to see. this government has decided that it would use the coal resources that are available in abundance in the Sind area. they are so vast that they could provide electricity for centuries.

one thing that must be looked at is why all the subsequent never tried those vast reserves. after all they are not a new discovery. they had been discovered 15 years ago. and why have they suddenly realised that we have something we can use.these are some questions that need be answered.