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Category Archives: personal thoughts

The operation is Swat has made many of the civilians flee their homes. they have been left to take refuge in far off areas. some of them are being assisted by the world organisations, some by NGOs. but they are not doing it for any good. they are simply doing it becuause they are making money in the process.

fortunately not all people are here to make money. one of the examples of that is the spirit shown by the people of a village called SalehKhana. Saleh Khana is located in the district of Nowshera.

when people started coming in from Swat to the JaloZai camp, the people of SalehKhana started a fund and sheltered some 22 families. they have a capacity of upto 30 families.

the displaced people are being provided every thing free of cost, be it medicines, or food or clothing. an old market with shops have been allocated as the shelter. each family has been housed in one of the shops.

not only that, separate bathrooms for women have already been built. while bathrooms for men are being built. quite an extraordnary work there.

Pakistan has finally won the second edition of the T20 international cricket tournament. Pakistan has won a major tournament after such along time. and the victory can not be any sweeter.

basically no one lost the game. both the sides played well but in the end the better one took the Cup home. and the better one just turned out to be Pakistan.

so Congrats to the Pakistani people and to the Pakistani team.

and as Borat would add at this moment : “GREAT SUCCESS”

oh and lets not forget the man who made it all possible: SHAHID AFRIDI

The Swat operation continues with full vigor. and the secrity forces are claiming that they have been eliminating the Taliban threat. in the new reports, the Army has cleared the Peochar area of these militants, which was their strongest place.

Why do we need the approval of the United States for everything? why does the US have to be the judge of the what we are doing right or wrong? I still can not understand that.

the defeat of the Sri Lankan LTTE tells us one thing; if you are persistent enough, you can defeat anything. the Sri Lankans were able to hold off the secessionists. I think Pakistan has lessons to learn from here. after all Pakistan faces similar threats in the form of Talibans etc.

Barak Obama wants a world without nukes. in his words it is the moral responsibilty of the United States to rid the world of the nuclear weapons. yeah we all want a world with peace and love. such a rosy picture he is showing us.

now lets come back the reality. The United States would be the last state to give up its stockpiles of nuclear weapons. why would it? they have more than their deterrence value. they are a source of terror for the biggest empire in the history of the world.

probably Mr. Obama thinks that the Nukes are not good for other countries. but i dont think he will ever be able to persuade the congress to disarm the nuclear weapons. there are always “threats” to the security of the United States, arent there?

today’s attack on the Sri Lankan Cricket team was cowardly. not only that it has also made sure that for a long time to come, no team will ever visit here to play cricket.

personally i am not able to understand what is going on here. i have not watched the video but it seems that it was all very meticulously planned operation. and it does not seem like the ordinary terrorist attack. it looked so well planned.

one thing is certain. it has been made by some elements who want to destabilize this country to the extent that it will never recovver from it. which is dangerous since we all live here.

oh and no world cup 2011 here. that is for sure.

according to this NYTimes article, people do not flock to the movies that are leading in the Oscar categories. why is that?

I think there might be a reason. what the academy looks for might not be what the audience look for. they have different tastes.

consider, Caviar in food, for example.very few people have a taste for Caviar. and though it is expensive, many people might not like it.

and so with the movies. some of them could only be appreciated by the ones who have a good taste for it.

dumbness personified

dumbness personified

Sarah Palin has lashed out at the media. she said that Caroline Kennedy is being given fair treatment in her bid for the Senate as compared to her own for the White House.  She does not understand the reasons, but i think we do.

NYs next senator

NY's next senator

Prior to the 2008 Presidential Campaign, many people did not know about who was the governor of the State of Alaska. and then she suddenly jumped to the big stage. and ever since then she was the talk of the town. the reason was simple. she was only one of the fifty governors. nobody was bothered that 2% of the American governors were dumb. but if she had made it to the VP office, people would really have been bothered if 100% of their VP was occupied by dumbness.

the same logic could be applied to Ms. Kennedy. even if she makes it to the senate, she will just comprise 1% of the total senate. that wont get much attention even if she is as dumb as Ms. Palin.

the funeral of our values?

the funeral of our values?

something is happening and that is not good. through slow poisoning, with or without intent, our values will be killed.

the Bomb blast in swat on the day of the by elections is how they are being killed. the bomber asked people to come to his car, supposedly broken down, for a push start. as people gathered around to push it, he blew it up.

so now no one will even help someone whose car REALLY has broken down. thus the death of one good value i.e. of helping someone in the hour of need.

what is happening will surely turn us into barbarians.

ever since the Mumbai hotel siege, we have been hearing constant war talk. sometimes it goes cold and then hot again. India had talked of attacking Pakistan unilaterally, according to some of the local newspapers here. Pakistan has said that it would defend its borders. Pakistan has urged for peace several times and has said that its insistence on peace should not be taken for weakness. Sonia Gandhi has said almost the same words. and yet the tension continues.

part of this indian aggression could be attributed to the fact that india thinks that it is now a super power. that it can do anything and, like the United States, no one will say anything. part of it has to do with the Indian media. so is India really thinking of acting unilaterally? or is all the hot talk just singing along the media?

here is the situation. both the countries have nuclear capabilities. both can deliver these weapons to huge distance. the use of nuclear weapons in this case would be disastrous. there would be countless deaths. Is a Nuclear Holocaust is what is wanted by the Indian Media or by the Indian Politicians?

whoever fires the first shots will be responsible for all the deaths that this war would bring. people’s lives, not superficial patriotism, is what they should be focusing on.