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Category Archives: pakistan economy

American government has threatened to cut the Aid for Pakistani government if they dont release Raymond Davis.

foreign aid never comes with no strings attached. thats why people who want to become powerful are advised to despise the free lunch.

in the case of Raymond Davis, Pakistan is being asked to give back the American who killed two Pakistanis. the question here is not who was right and who was wrong. the question is who is feeding whom? without aid Pakistasn will clearly falter economically. that this nation can not afford.

Karachi and Peshawar are situated at the Extreme ends of Pakistan. the attitude shown by the people of both cities to the recent suicide attacks have also been extreme.

Peshawar has been the harder hit of the two cities. yet the people of Peshawar have shown extreme restraint. one suicide bomb blasted in Karachi today. and the reaction to that was that people started burning markets and vehicles. over 400 shops and 40 vehicles were burnt, according to one TV channel. it was as if there were animals waiting in these people for this mayhem.

I am left to wonder: what is the difference between those terrorists who went with this attack, and the general public who committed the act of arson.

is burning public property the only way we can extinguish the fires within ourselves?

think about it.

or maybe we are not capable of thinking anymore.

a guy selling lanterns in peshawar

Pakistan has always experienced some very acute shortages of electricity. that has always been the case but in the recent one year or so it reached unprecedented levels. in fact it had made the people of pakistan to start using techniques of lighting that were part of the bygone era. Lanterns were supposed to have died with the advent of electricity. but as the power outages, euphemistically called loadsheddings, became severe, Lanterns made their way back into the lives of people.

thanks to the present interim government that it was finally able to see what the previous governments had not been able to see, or did not want to see. this government has decided that it would use the coal resources that are available in abundance in the Sind area. they are so vast that they could provide electricity for centuries.

one thing that must be looked at is why all the subsequent never tried those vast reserves. after all they are not a new discovery. they had been discovered 15 years ago. and why have they suddenly realised that we have something we can use.these are some questions that need be answered.

first of you had to pay for the pathetic service, if you could call it a service. now you can not even complain about it to their customer service department, if you can call it that too.

apparently due to the overwhelming amount of callers the mobile phone companies in pakistan have found a new way of milking their consumers. they have started charging their consumers for the so called customer service.

Mobilink, the largest carrier, was the first one to start jazzing up their customers. they have started charging their customers 75 paisas for each call made to their customer service department. how could the others miss the opportunity? so Warid also started charging their consumers 50 paisas for each call to their customer service department. Uphone will start it charging their customers from tomorrow.

who said competition is not good. it is good, but not for the consumers in pakistan.

This year’s survey came out with some amazing numbers. food inflation hit double digits. the economy grew again on the conspicuous consumption; it was the domestic market that bought most of the products. the exports were not as prominent.

this has proved my earlier points:(1) that the economy will be unsustainable in the long run if it keeps going like that. we have already seen what happened back in the great depression of the 1930s in the united states. the government was boasting about the strength of the economy until all the prices came crashing down, dragging the economy down. same will happen sooner rather than later in Pakistan . (2) the inflation figures were not advertised, and we have seen why that was not done. food inflation means that our economy has become a “few deal”. the majority of its riches are taken by the uppper strata, while the poor pay the price.

so what are we doing? we are nearing dangerous times every single day.