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Category Archives: basic freedoms

So Jaswant Singh writes a book about Jinnah and he is thrown out of his political party. And not only that, the Indian State has banned the book.

there are many issues involved here. first, given that the constitution of India is a secular one I dont know why they are making a big deal out of the views of a person. and i dont have a problem with the party expelling him. the party is a extreme right party and it would be expected of it. but a country like india, that prides itself as the biggest democracy in the world would let a book beĀ  banned, thus effectively saying that it does not care much about the freedom of speech, speaks volumes about the kind of secularism being preached there. so you can say anything as long as it is not against the official version.

wait, havent we seen that in so many other fascist states? werent the Taliban the same type? why do the standards change from event to event.

seems like India is a democracy; but it is a democracy of Hypocrisy.