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  1. NO COMMENTs :)!

    • The whole world has already got alot of shit to say about Pakistan and Pakistani people y we r insulting ourself 2.
      i will admire if u make a page about good thing about Pakistan if u r a Pakistani.Coz now a days everyone z trying to humiliate Pakistani people.

      • thank you for your input.
        if you go through my blog, you will see a lot of good things about pakistan. i wrote something about the swat operation. I love this country like you do. and i am equally perturbed when something bad happens. when i see something good i always write about it.

  2. Nice effort done by you in a short,crisp and light manner.Keep up the good work!

  3. Hey please write on the on going revolutionary campaigns in the middle east. i am waiting to read your entry!

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