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Category Archives: personal thoughts

American government has threatened to cut the Aid for Pakistani government if they dont release Raymond Davis.

foreign aid never comes with no strings attached. thats why people who want to become powerful are advised to despise the free lunch.

in the case of Raymond Davis, Pakistan is being asked to give back the American who killed two Pakistanis. the question here is not who was right and who was wrong. the question is who is feeding whom? without aid Pakistasn will clearly falter economically. that this nation can not afford.

…atleast in the beginning, anyway. and here is one more ; the bigger the change, the bigger the confusion. and here is one more; if you try to change the lifestyles of people in one day, you will surely get  “f**k you”  from them.

atleast that is what is happening in NYC where a new speedy bus has been introduced by the Transportation Authority on the pattern of the European buses.


can we apply this lesson to something in Pakistan? hmm… lets see… how about the reforms in bureaucracy. they are still bewildering the people in this country. and the reforms have only lead to more confusion and chaos.

I was walking to my bank when i saw a group of people asking for demonstrating for the hanging of some person who probably had done nothing other than disagree with their preconceived ideas about life should be run.

I have also been looking at the news of one of the severest floods in the history of the country.

If only we could channel our energies to some positive things, we might be able to become a  better country.

I dont know how someone would just throw acid on passerby women and then escape. what is happening to this nation as a whole?

things like these just leave me speechless. i mean there are psychos in this world, but God, people doing these acts do not qualify as humans.

the whole episode is sickening.

the Supreme Court of Pakistan has suspended that the appointment of the judges of the Supreme court by the President that was done recently is ultra vires to the constitution.

the Court said that it was said in the constitution article 177 that the president would appoint with the due consultation of the Chief Justice of Paksitan (CJP)

we went to the text of the constitution and found the following in the Article 177:

(1) The Chief Justice of Pakistan shall be appointed by the President, and each of the other Judges shall be appointed by the President after consultation with the Chief Justice.

if we look at the words in their proper context, it is seen that the word “consultation” and not “advice” is used. when the president is “advised” by the Prime Minister (PM), he is bound to dissolve the assemblies. but in the case of “consultation” no such binding is necessary. the President, according to the article, makes the appointments. and that is his power to do so.

that is our inference from this article. people might want to make their own conclusions.

In The Tipping Point Malcom Gladwell talks about the sudden surge in the suicide rates on the Island of Micronesia. earlier there used to be no suicides. but at some point, the suicide rates picked up. no one could understand the reason why it happened? the one possible explanation that was given in the book is this:

the suicide attempts appear in the spirit of initiative on experimental play. thus as suicide grows more frequent,in these communities the idea itself acquires a certain familiarity if not fascination to young men, and the lethality of the act seems to be trivilized.

This, in his words, led to the contagious epidemic of self destruction that led to the life becoming meaningless.

Perhaps this could be one reason that has been neglected when we look at the surging rate of the suicide bombing. we should remember that the suicide rate in Micronesia mainly soared in the teenagers. and when we look at the majority of the suicide bombers, they too are teenagers. so perhaps there could be reason that the recent surge in the suicide bombing is because the rate reached its tipping point. and life has become meaningless for these suicide bombers.

or there could be other reasons. but this could be one of them.

not something U could be proud of

you’d think that competition might bring some quality and over all service of the companies anywhere.

that has not happened in the cell phone companies in Pakistan. their prices have gone down, but their services have gone down too.

consider Ufone. i wanted to change my service to Zong, since the signals of Ufone are very weak in the area that i live in. and that is where my nightmare started.

I went to the Zong center and asked them to port my number out to their service. they sent in a request and Ufone came with a reply that there was a name issue with the request. meaning that the name and number did not match.

I called UFone customer service and asked them what was the problem. there was no problem. my name details were correct. just in case i asked them what name was written down in their records. and carefully wrote it down. and then once again went to the Zong center. and made a Mobile Number Portability (MNP) request.

this time it was rejected again. apparently i had some outstanding balance due, on a PrePaid account. so i called the Ufone customer service. they said they did not have a clue as to why that happened. they asked me to go to their service center.

so i went to their service center. and they filed the complaint. and later that evening they called me again and said that the issue had been resolved and that i should file my request again with Zong.

so i filed my request again. Ufone called me to know why i was switching. and i told them i was doing it because of the poor reception in the area. they filed my complaint, and send me a complaint number. and told me that my number will be ported out the next day.

and when the next day arrived, guess what happened? they have again rejected my request. the reason: the name mismatch issue.

What dumb people.

Karachi and Peshawar are situated at the Extreme ends of Pakistan. the attitude shown by the people of both cities to the recent suicide attacks have also been extreme.

Peshawar has been the harder hit of the two cities. yet the people of Peshawar have shown extreme restraint. one suicide bomb blasted in Karachi today. and the reaction to that was that people started burning markets and vehicles. over 400 shops and 40 vehicles were burnt, according to one TV channel. it was as if there were animals waiting in these people for this mayhem.

I am left to wonder: what is the difference between those terrorists who went with this attack, and the general public who committed the act of arson.

is burning public property the only way we can extinguish the fires within ourselves?

think about it.

or maybe we are not capable of thinking anymore.

Its about the tenth of Muharram and it is being mourned by many people aroudn the world. but who will mourn the death of the beautiful city of peshawar??

Barbed wires make it hard to move around

security personnel outnumber men

virutally no economic activity

out of respect or out of fear??

in a state of war

so the Iraqi government has put on new restrictions on the movement of the American troops. and we hope that the Americans would presumably do what the but wait a second. Who are the masters here and who are the servants? who has brought this government into power in the first place? wasnt it because of these American troops?

lets start a conspiracy theory. maybe the Americans have told them to issue this directive so that the world can see how “sovereign” the new Iraq is. plus it will help them to leave the country with grace.” ok the government of Iraq does not want it so we are leaving.”

if that is not the case,  Americans must surely be looking for a leash right now.

do they really care what the Iraqi government says?

do they really care what the Iraqi government says?